Introducing Re-review

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Introducing Re-review

In business there can be misunderstandings, hiccups and other situations when a customer may write a critical review.

Now there’s a way, after resolving the issue or clarifying the misunderstanding, you can recover a critical review and turn it into a positive review.

Introducing Re-review, standard in every HelpfulCrowd plan. Just one more way HelpfulCrowd is helping you manage your brand reputation and maximise positive reviews.

How does HelpfulCrowd Re-review work?

Like most of our features, we try to make it super simple and easy to use. To send a request to update a review, simply click on the ‘Re-review’ button in the Review > Moderation screen for the review that you would like updated.



This will then open a pop-up window that allows you to customise the message before sending the request.

Giving the Re-review a personal touch, like using the customers first name, can really make the difference to connect and get an updated positive review. To further increase your chances of securing a positive review, ensure that you have already resolved all and any other remaining issues before sending.



  • Re-review email will be sent immediately
  • Re-review works with both product and business reviews
  • If the customer email address is not available, then an email address can be added on the fly to the Re-review
  • You can edit the default email template under Reviews > Email templates

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